How often should I change or update my vendor table display? 0
We get this question a lot......
How often should I change the look of my vendor table, craft table, or vendor booth?
If you attend vendor events or craft shows every month and have repeat customers that see you each month, or even quarterly, we recommend changing up the look of your display AT LEAST 4 times a year.
It's similar to the way retail stores utilize merchandising to change up the look of their store, signage and product displays to coordinate with different seasons. It gives your customers a fresh look at what you are selling, even if the products aren't new! Customers who frequent craft shows or vendor events look for their favorite vendors more than you realize, so periodically, give them something new to see!
One of the easiest ways to do this is to change your display and coordinate it with the different seasons. You don't want to get crazy with too many decorations, but something as simple as adding a vase of Spring flowers to your table or changing the color of your tablecloth in March can give it a whole new Spring feel! When winter has been dragging on, people welcome the idea that Spring is around the corner and puts people in a good mood!
Signage is another easy way to change the look of your display. Print off colorful 5"x7" or 8.5"x11" signs that you can have laminated and then display on your table that coordinate with the look you are going for. In Spring, add a floral border to the sign in colors that coordinate with your products and display! You can purchase inexpensive sign holders here that will make displaying these signs really easy and won't take up very much room!
You can also change the color of the product displays you use on your table, too. This is another simple, yet inexpensive way to give your vendor table a whole new look! Product displays come in so many different colors and designs, which makes them fun and easy to use to change up your display more often! Click here to view product displays you may want to use.
Lastly, be SUBTLE in your changes. You don't need to be SO literal or go overboard. Just add enough or change enough to give your vendor table display or booth a fresh look that is consistent with the time of the year you are selling your products for.
Look for more craft show and vendor event tips from Stack Displays in other blog posts!
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- Tags: craft show booth craft show display ideas craft show display tips craft show tips craft shows craft table display farmers market display farmers market display ideas merchandising sign easel sign holders sign stands vendor booth vendor display vendor event vendor show table vendor table vendor table display vendor table ideas vendor table tips